Sometimes when I go for a walk I take pictures of random things. Something that captures my eye. Usually little things like a lone leaf on the ground or a mark made by a bug on a tree. Then I sometimes paint it on canvas or on a pot. It doesn’t always get finished or make it to the kiln but its about being present and noticing the little things. That's what my art is about. Even the smallest mark left on the pot after a pit fire can make a difference to the overall feel and look.
So be present in the moment. Enjoy the journey, stop looking for more and just appreciate and immerse yourself in the now. Just be. Take a step and be absorbed by the moment.
It’s ok to shut off just for a time and breathe and enjoy little things. Reflections in a raindrop, birds singing, a caterpillar walking across a path, an ant carrying something twice its body weight, a chicken, scratching looking for bugs, a bird bathing in a puddle on the ground. Everyone, everything is on its own journey irrespective of things around them but connected in some way or another and the smallest thing can have a big impact.
So this is my journey. Be part of it. Stop for a moment and just look and see what mark you're leaving.