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Tiana Ballagh lives in a small townlet bordering the Grampians National Park where she is ever inspired by the natural beauty of the landscape that surrounds her.

She started her ceramics journey in Western Australia in 2014 when she enrolled in a beginners pottery class on a whim. 

In the early days she tried many different techniques but it wasn't until she packed up and moved to her rural home in Victoria in 2018 that she started experimenting in pit firing and other alternative techniques.  The nearest kiln was at least a 2 hour drive away so she tried her hand at using primitive pottery techniques. 

Whilst part of the process now uses more modern technology to limit breakages pit or barrel firing still play a bit part in the process of her ceramics. 

 The colour development, the lack of control on the outcome, the excitement of seeing what's happened and experimenting with different combustibles. 'It's such a lovely process and even after 8 plus years I still lose myself in the work and forget about rest of life, just for a small moment.'

Painting with pastels and ink printing came along later into her artistic career. Starting with a natural history drawing course to develop some more ceramic surface techniques Tiana then found herself wanting to capture the rough and rugged bushland and the vastness of the country where she resides.


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